On the road to the factory employees planted 900 trees in the spirit of environmental protection and the love of nature. Each tree represents a child born in the workers’ families over the past five years since the plant began its operation. Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft. launched a number of initiatives aiming at important social causes in the past five years, carried out in the “green” spirit. The “Green Factory Program” of the company trees and bushes were planted on several occasions already. When building the factory, more than 3,000 maple and ash trees were planted on the site. At the end of the year, 2015 more than 1,500 thuyas began a new life on the northern logistics area of the assembly and at the kindergarten. In the year 2016 600 special Chinese emperor’s trees were planted all along the test route. These trees are special because they grow very fast and they can set the floating dust and carbon-dioxide emitted by cars.